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April 30, 2014

Are you thinking about Moms yet?  Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 11!!!!
Naturally, Commonwealth Garden Shoppe is stocking lots of perfect gift items.
We have everything from Fuchsia Baskets to Naked Bee Hand Lotion & Best-1 Hummingbird Feeders.
How about a basket filled with potted perennials to create a cut flower garden?  Granny can hook you up.
Moms & Grandmoms would love chocolate.....Yes, we have the form of mulch.  It is made from cocoa bean shells and deters cats, looks pretty, keeps down weeds and adds Nitrogen to the soil.  Miraculous
Come see Granny soon, pick out a basket and we’ll take care of it until Mother’s Day.  Or, Moms!, come in and make a wish list (Becky wants Gnomes) so we can offer ideas to kids.
Ready to start thinking about the summer vegetable garden? The next email will give a tip on starting squash, pumpkins, melons & cucumbers from seed.
Have questions? Send Granny (Joanne) an Email.
See you in the Garden. Smile
Granny Organic
Commonwealth Garden Shoppe
p.s. We still have seed potatoes (got blue ones this year), onion plants & bare root strawberries and they need to be planted ASAP.

April 03, 2014

This link is to OSU extension Service.  Please accept my apologies if you already subscribe.  Loads of helpful info. 

Hopefully y’all think organic when they refer to “commercial” fertilizer.  Commonwealth Garden Shoppe has a complete selection of Down To Earth organic fertilizer. Tree & Shrub, Flowers, Vegetables, etc. 

Also, remember we have a couple of different planting zones in Douglas County.  Obviously Tiller & Azalea are colder and later than the towns along the I-5 corridor.  That’s why Granny and her helpers ask (if they don’t already know you) “Where do you live?” when you are asking what to plant.


Have you signed up for the next workshops?

Composting & Worm culture – Saturday, April 12, 2 p.m.  2 hours of instruction & question time. $5.00 

Plant a Living Easter Basket centerpiece of gift -  Tuesday, April 15 (yup, tax day Smile)  1 P.M., $5.00 plus cost of materials. Must pre-register and pre-pay to guarantee space.  If we have enough interest we can schedule a second class.


See you in the Garden!

Granny Organic

Commonwealth Garden Shoppe


452 N. Main St., Canyonville