You BET!!
Did you know that you can have fresh salad even in the winter? Not simply because we live in Oregon, and the climate is mild. The fact is, there are a lot of hardy plants that will survive the winter. Even with a late start, many of the common fall and winter crops can still be started indoors or planted in covered rows.
Crops like Kale!

Lettuce is a superstar cold weather grower, and can be harvested all season by simply picking the outer leaves of a plant, and letting the core keep growing. Mustard Greens are another cold loving plant! Still worried about some plants not withstanding the wet and cold? Get even more out of winter growing by making simple row covers called Row Tunnels. The cousin of the more commonly known Cold Frames, Row Tunnels need less wood working skills to build yourself. By using flexible piping and plastic cover, you can create a low green house over individual rows in your garden.
Remember too, that while the winter may not be warm enough to get vegetables to produce, many cold hardy plant
greens are also commonly consumed. Experiment with the variety and ways you harvest what you plant! In many cases, you don't have to wait for a plant to bear a crop. You can eat while it grows! Plant beets and harvest the greens! Experiment with Peas! Their greens are edible and taste delicious in salad. The possibilities are endless!
Check out
OSU'S tips specific to Winter gardening in Oregon! Keep in mind, that for some crops like Broccoli, it may be too late for a plant to produce a florette, but plant leaves are tasty in a salad too!
For more information and ideas about what you might try planting this Fall, visit the shop and talk with Granny Organic!