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July 29, 2014

Yes!  It is time to plant for Fall Harvested vegetables.  We have starts available & Bruce is planting seeds today for the next batch. 
    Here at the home garden we just planted carrot seeds & prepped a bed for our Broccoli, etc. 
    Part of the plan is to plant some more cilantro, lettuce & parsley soon.
Also – Start thinking Bulbs!  #Tulips, #Daffodils, Fall #Crocus, etc. will be coming in Sept.  Paperwhites in October. 
    Watch for future posts with tips from Granny Organic for planting bulbs.
Have you heard the rumor? Yes, it is true.  Joanne & Bruce are ready to pass on Commonwealth Garden Shoppe to a new owner, so, yes, the business is for sale.  Business only – not the property.  Go to the following link & contact our Realtor for more information.  Also, feel welcome to share this info.
One more thing:  Are you ready for mums & pansies & fresh perennials will be coming soon. 
See you in the garden with the water hose of course.  Or maybe in the river.......Hot enough for you?
Granny Organic
Commonwealth Garden Shoppe
452 N. Main St., Canyonville, OR  97417

July 22, 2014

What’s New:  Concrete Statues – Just in time to add a focal point to the garden you are working on. 


Water your plants deep in the heat.  Mornings are best. 

Fall Garden time – Seeds for Fall & Winter vegetables are here.  Yes, it is time to start broccoli, lettuce, etc. from seed.  Come get a Fall/Winter Territorial Seed Catalog for more info.  Yes! the vegie starts are coming.  Lettuce plants available today. And of course, be sure and add organic fertilizer like Bio Fish, Nutra Rich or All Purpose.  Leafy greens love Nitrogen.

Last but not least, Aerated compost tea, aka: Soil Soup, is available for $5 a gallon every Saturday.

Announcement!  Commonwealth will be closed on Sundays from July 20 until the holiday shopping season.

July 03, 2014

Commonwealth is celebrating Independence by being closed July 4th.  We’ll open Saturday, July 5, at 9:30 a.m. with a BANG. 
Come in and make a Fairy Garden.  Granny just received some fun new fairy items and Tammy & Kathy have reorganized #“Fairyland”.
#Butterfly Weed/Asclepias
Straw Bales for mulching. $7.00
SAVE THE DATE!   July 26, 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. 6th Annual Garden Party with Live Music – Rainy & the Rattlesnakes
Rainy and the Rattlesnakes is a family bluegrass band based in the
Cascade Mountains above Ashland, OR.  Now in their 3rd full year as an
organized band they are hitting their stride as sisters Rainy(age 11
on mandolin) and Lela(age 13 on fiddle) gain experience and depth in
their musical journey, which took them, along with their Dad
Ray(guitar) on a cross country 9 week US tour last fall.  Long time
Southern Oregon bassist Gregory Allen rounds out the band, which draws
it's sound from the deep well of American Roots music, encompassing
Bluegrass, Jazz, and traditional, as well as original material.
Wine for purchase from Wild Rose Vineyard
Food for purchase
Shoppe will be open 
$6.00 with $1.00 of each ticket will be donated to Renovation of Canyonville’s Community Center.
Helpful Hints:
1.  Be sure and soak your plants deep.  yes, check the soil after you water to be sure it soaked in at least 6 inches. Smile
2.  #Blossom end rot – can result from inadequate water or lack of calcium.  We have ‘Rot Stop’ and Liquid Calcium.
3.  Want the most color for your buck? Plant annuals among first year perennials.
4.  Fall Garden time – Seeds for Fall & Winter vegetables are here.  Yes, it is time to start broccoli, lettuce, etc. from seed.   Commonwealth will have plants available in about 3 weeks.  Come get a Fall/Winter Territorial Seed Catalog for more info.
Have a Happy & Safe 4th of July
Granny Organic
Commonwealth Garden Shoppe
452 N. Main St., Canyonville, OR  97417