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October 20, 2014

Save the Dates!!! Upcoming Workshops
Nov. 1, Plant Amaryllis &/or Paperwhites
Nov. 8, Make a Fairy/Mini Garden
Nov. 15, Create a Terrarium
Nov. 22, Create a Fresh Thanksgiving Centerpiece
Nov. 29, Wreath Making #1...
Dec. 6, Wreath Making #2
Dec. 6, Holiday Open House (11 a.m. to 5:30)
Dec. 13, Create a Gift Terrarium or Fairy Garden
Dec. 20, Create a Fresh Christmas Centerpiece
All workshops start at 1 p.m. $5.00 Fee plus materials.
Commonwealth Garden Shoppe's photo.

October 13, 2014

Boss sez “Let’s move some trees & shrubs.”  Granny sez, “Yes, it is time to make room for new plant material because Christmas coming.”
After all, Fall is the BEST time to plant potted trees & shrubs
Rain is coming.........
 25% Savings  (while supplies last)
  • Rhodies
  • Fruit Trees
  • Japanese Maple
  • Roses
  • Hydrangeas
50% Savings (while supplies last)
Miscellaneous #DeciduousTrees
Witch Hazel (exquisite Fall Color)  – #Liquid Amber – Birch
Remember to pick up some #Soil Building Compost for planting your trees/shrubs & to mulch your flower beds.
Include a few blueberry bushes for more FALL color.
See you in the Garden Shoppe
Granny Organic
Commonwealth Garden Shoppe
452 N. Main St., Canyonville, OR

Plant Garlic Now

Bruce planted #garlic yesterday. Who else is planting garlic??? It's
time now & Commonwealth Garden Shoppe still has some for $12.00 a pound.

October 07, 2014


Hey! The 'Take it or Leave It Bin' is FULL! Lots of 1 Gal., 4", etc. pots. Come & get them. Please.