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February 02, 2016

Time to plant peas.  Yes, Peas are very cold & frost hardy.
  • Ensure good germination by presprouting between layers of damp newspaper.  You must be prepared to plant them as soon as they sprout.
  • or, plant in small pots to set out as soon as they’ve come up.
What kind?
  • Traditional is shelling. These are Granny’s favorites in the flavor department. Take some work getting out of the shell.  Nothing better than grazing the garden for immediate consumption.
  • Next type is snap peas.  They can be eaten pod & all.  Harvest after peas have filled the pods for best flavor.  Yes, they are good eatin’ in the garden, too.
  • For Asian cooking, Snow Peas are what you want. Flat podded and harvested before the peas fill out. Traditional in stir fry.
Come on in and get your seeds so you are ready to plant the moment you are ready.
See you in the pea patch.
Granny Organic
Commonwealth Garden Shoppe
452 N. Main St., Canyonville, OR  97417

January 19, 2016

Are you ready to think about seed starting?
First ask these questions:  1.  How much room is there for a garden?  2.  Do I want Soul Food (flowers) or Belly Food? or  Both?
Granny Tip:  It is fun and productive to grow flowers among the vegies & vice versa.  Remember the “good” bugs need flowers for food.  Growing alyssum, sweet peas, sunflowers & more will attract bees & butterflies.
Flower seeds to start indoors now:  Bachelor’s Button, Sweet Peas, Echinacea, Snap Dragons
Vegetables to start indoors now:  Sprouts, Micro Greens, Lettuce & all the cool weather greens.  Be patient and wait to start peppers & tomatoes in February or March.
Check out and come on in to see what we have. Or,  If you get me your list by Jan. 30, I will include it on my next order and save you shipping.  Smile 
Workshop news:  Sign up today for the fruit tree pruning & care workshop.  Saturday, Jan. 30, 10:30 a.m., $10.  John Yager a long time orchardist will share his experienced wisdom & answer your questions.
Come on in, say Hi to Granny and her friends, sign up for the workshop and see what’s new.