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December 15, 2014

In honor of different belief systems:

Happy Hannukah         Merry Christmas!         Happy Solstice


Latest news at the Garden Shoppe


1.  All the workshops are filled with happy customers


2.  A new kitten has adopted us.  Come say hello to “Junior”. He’s almost as friendly as Ralph.


3.  Order centerpieces and wreaths for happy decorations & gifts.


4.  Save on Poinsettias – $3.00 off 61/2”  -   $2.00 off 41/2” 


5.  Good selection of Fresh Cut & Live, potted Christmas Trees


6.  Great Gifts for nature lovers & gardeners – Terrariums, mini gardens, tools, books, bears, birds, dogs & more.

Granny will be happy to put together a perfectly creative gift basket for anyone on your list.


7.  Gift Certificates for $50+ receive a free house plant.


Remember we’re open Sunday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for last minute shopping. Open Christmas Eve ‘til 5:30.

November 17, 2014

The Holiday Season has arrived at the Garden Shoppe.
Beautiful, affordable Thanksgiving décor for your table and new plants.
Invited to a Thanksgiving dinner?  Take a thoughtful hostess gift that will be remembered for years to come. (I still remember the lovely gift of hand lotion given to me by a dinner guest several years ago.) Or order a centerpiece created by Granny.
Thinking about Christmas?  The live Trees are here and selling quickly.  Come in & choose yours while supplies last.
The Gift & Décor Shoppe is a work in progress; looking great and more to finish. Smile  New Ornaments, Christmas/Thanksgiving cactus, terrariums, battery operated light strands and more will make your home cheerful for the holidays. Yes, there are decorations for your Fairy garden, too.  I love the tiny snowmen.
Coming soon:  Poinsettias for every home.  Rainbow for the child in you, Bronze for your Thanksgiving to Christmas decorating, White, Burgundy, Variegated, Pink and of course traditional Reds.
Workshop Update:  Centerpiece Workshop on Saturday, Nov. 22.  Afternoon class is FULL.  Granny added a morning class, 10:30 a.m. and there are a couple of openings. Sign up ASAP to guarantee space.  Cost – $25.00
Here’s a complete list of upcoming workshops
Nov. 29, Wreath Making #1...
Dec. 6, Wreath Making #2Dec. 6, Holiday Open House (11 a.m. to 5:30) Refreshments, Free Gift Wrap and more.Dec. 13, Create a Gift Terrarium or Fairy Garden
Dec. 20, Create a Fresh Christmas Centerpiece
All workshops start at 1 p.m. $5.00 Fee plus materials.
E mail us if you have questions.
See you in the workshop near the wood stove.  Winking smile
Granny Organic
Commonwealth Garden Shoppe
452 N. Main St., Canyonville, OR  97417

November 03, 2014

    It is time to sign up for the #Fairy Garden/Mini Garden Workshop.  Saturday, Nov. 8, 1:00 p.m. 
Cost is $5.00 plus materials.  The beauty of creating your #Garden at a workshop is the ability to choose what you use.  Try it first to see if you like it.
Granny will provide suggestions, plant care info. and supervision (if needed) and attendees can let their imaginations & creativity run wild.
New Arrivals: Fairies,#MiniatureEvergreens, #Christmas Accessories, etc.
Class will last about an hour.  There is only room for 6 attendees so, first come/first serve.  If we get too many sign-ups a morning class will be considered.
Hope to see you dancing with the fairies.
Granny Organic
Commonwealth Garden Shoppe
452 N. Main St., Canyonville, OR 97417

October 20, 2014

Save the Dates!!! Upcoming Workshops
Nov. 1, Plant Amaryllis &/or Paperwhites
Nov. 8, Make a Fairy/Mini Garden
Nov. 15, Create a Terrarium
Nov. 22, Create a Fresh Thanksgiving Centerpiece
Nov. 29, Wreath Making #1...
Dec. 6, Wreath Making #2
Dec. 6, Holiday Open House (11 a.m. to 5:30)
Dec. 13, Create a Gift Terrarium or Fairy Garden
Dec. 20, Create a Fresh Christmas Centerpiece
All workshops start at 1 p.m. $5.00 Fee plus materials.
Commonwealth Garden Shoppe's photo.

October 13, 2014

Boss sez “Let’s move some trees & shrubs.”  Granny sez, “Yes, it is time to make room for new plant material because Christmas coming.”
After all, Fall is the BEST time to plant potted trees & shrubs
Rain is coming.........
 25% Savings  (while supplies last)
  • Rhodies
  • Fruit Trees
  • Japanese Maple
  • Roses
  • Hydrangeas
50% Savings (while supplies last)
Miscellaneous #DeciduousTrees
Witch Hazel (exquisite Fall Color)  – #Liquid Amber – Birch
Remember to pick up some #Soil Building Compost for planting your trees/shrubs & to mulch your flower beds.
Include a few blueberry bushes for more FALL color.
See you in the Garden Shoppe
Granny Organic
Commonwealth Garden Shoppe
452 N. Main St., Canyonville, OR

Plant Garlic Now

Bruce planted #garlic yesterday. Who else is planting garlic??? It's
time now & Commonwealth Garden Shoppe still has some for $12.00 a pound.

October 07, 2014


Hey! The 'Take it or Leave It Bin' is FULL! Lots of 1 Gal., 4", etc. pots. Come & get them. Please.

September 08, 2014

GARDEN TIPS:  Come in today for a free copy of garden hints from OSU Extension Faculty.

Here’s a couple from Granny: 

  • Plant Fall (spring blooming) bulbs by Oct. 31
  • When you plant tulips & daffodils, plant a few grape hyacinths.  The grape hyacinths will emerge first and mark where the other bulbs are.  Also, plant in clumps for a more natural looking bulb bed. 
  • Plant ground cover over the bulbs for beauty before your bulbs come up. 
  • Add some bonemeal for better flowers
  • Plant Garlic between Oct. 1 and Oct. 31
  • Plant lettuce, greens, broccoli, etc. NOW
  • Plant some evergreen perennials for added winter interest.  Ex.  Helianthemum, wintergreen, plumbago and heuchera. 
  • Fertilize your lawn with granulated chicken fertilizer
  • and of course.....cover your flower beds with out soil building compost

You’ll find granny in the garden or the kitchen for the next few weeks.

August 20, 2014

Save the Date

9th Annual Customer Appreciation Day:  Saturday, Sept. 20, 9:30 to 5:30

  • FREE! Umpqua Ice Cream
  • 25% savings on EVERYTHING- Plants, Statues, Fertilizers, Gifts & Fairy Garden
  • Tomato Tasting

Fall is coming and we have pansies, mums & Fall blooming perennials.  Come in soon for the best selection.  Fall is an excellent time to plant perennials.  They’ll establish over winter & come up FULL FORCE next Spring. Smile

Time to plant: Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Misc. greens for Fall & Winter Harvest

Coming Soon:  Spring Blooming Bulbs

                            Onion Sets & Seed Garlic

Tip:  plant grape hyacinths with your tulips.  The grape hyacinths will come up first and you can see where your tulip bulbs are planted. Smile


Hope y’all are having a wonderful summer. 

Our garden’s doing great (except for the powdery mildew on Pumpkins)  How’s your garden doing?

July 29, 2014

Yes!  It is time to plant for Fall Harvested vegetables.  We have starts available & Bruce is planting seeds today for the next batch. 
    Here at the home garden we just planted carrot seeds & prepped a bed for our Broccoli, etc. 
    Part of the plan is to plant some more cilantro, lettuce & parsley soon.
Also – Start thinking Bulbs!  #Tulips, #Daffodils, Fall #Crocus, etc. will be coming in Sept.  Paperwhites in October. 
    Watch for future posts with tips from Granny Organic for planting bulbs.
Have you heard the rumor? Yes, it is true.  Joanne & Bruce are ready to pass on Commonwealth Garden Shoppe to a new owner, so, yes, the business is for sale.  Business only – not the property.  Go to the following link & contact our Realtor for more information.  Also, feel welcome to share this info.
One more thing:  Are you ready for mums & pansies & fresh perennials will be coming soon. 
See you in the garden with the water hose of course.  Or maybe in the river.......Hot enough for you?
Granny Organic
Commonwealth Garden Shoppe
452 N. Main St., Canyonville, OR  97417

July 22, 2014

What’s New:  Concrete Statues – Just in time to add a focal point to the garden you are working on. 


Water your plants deep in the heat.  Mornings are best. 

Fall Garden time – Seeds for Fall & Winter vegetables are here.  Yes, it is time to start broccoli, lettuce, etc. from seed.  Come get a Fall/Winter Territorial Seed Catalog for more info.  Yes! the vegie starts are coming.  Lettuce plants available today. And of course, be sure and add organic fertilizer like Bio Fish, Nutra Rich or All Purpose.  Leafy greens love Nitrogen.

Last but not least, Aerated compost tea, aka: Soil Soup, is available for $5 a gallon every Saturday.

Announcement!  Commonwealth will be closed on Sundays from July 20 until the holiday shopping season.

July 03, 2014

Commonwealth is celebrating Independence by being closed July 4th.  We’ll open Saturday, July 5, at 9:30 a.m. with a BANG. 
Come in and make a Fairy Garden.  Granny just received some fun new fairy items and Tammy & Kathy have reorganized #“Fairyland”.
#Butterfly Weed/Asclepias
Straw Bales for mulching. $7.00
SAVE THE DATE!   July 26, 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. 6th Annual Garden Party with Live Music – Rainy & the Rattlesnakes
Rainy and the Rattlesnakes is a family bluegrass band based in the
Cascade Mountains above Ashland, OR.  Now in their 3rd full year as an
organized band they are hitting their stride as sisters Rainy(age 11
on mandolin) and Lela(age 13 on fiddle) gain experience and depth in
their musical journey, which took them, along with their Dad
Ray(guitar) on a cross country 9 week US tour last fall.  Long time
Southern Oregon bassist Gregory Allen rounds out the band, which draws
it's sound from the deep well of American Roots music, encompassing
Bluegrass, Jazz, and traditional, as well as original material.
Wine for purchase from Wild Rose Vineyard
Food for purchase
Shoppe will be open 
$6.00 with $1.00 of each ticket will be donated to Renovation of Canyonville’s Community Center.
Helpful Hints:
1.  Be sure and soak your plants deep.  yes, check the soil after you water to be sure it soaked in at least 6 inches. Smile
2.  #Blossom end rot – can result from inadequate water or lack of calcium.  We have ‘Rot Stop’ and Liquid Calcium.
3.  Want the most color for your buck? Plant annuals among first year perennials.
4.  Fall Garden time – Seeds for Fall & Winter vegetables are here.  Yes, it is time to start broccoli, lettuce, etc. from seed.   Commonwealth will have plants available in about 3 weeks.  Come get a Fall/Winter Territorial Seed Catalog for more info.
Have a Happy & Safe 4th of July
Granny Organic
Commonwealth Garden Shoppe
452 N. Main St., Canyonville, OR  97417

June 24, 2014

Chatty stuff:  Have you finished planting your summer garden?  Hope so, cuz guess what? It’s time to think about planting for Fall & Winter harvest.  See the attached file from Territorial Seed.
Today Granny is finishing her summer garden & planted carrots, cilantro seeds, pumpkin seeds – not sure if they will be ready in time but worth the experiment.  This afternoon I’ll plant some aster & zinnia plants.  Maybe I’ll have fresh flowers for the Canyonville Farmer’s Market.  This morning I picked about 5 #’s shelling peas. MY FAVORITE! 
Bruce has started Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, lettuce, and more so plants will be available in about 3 weeks.  The Fall & Winter seeds have come to the Garden Shoppe.
Plants availableStill have 1 Gal. tomato plants, peppers, squash, melons & herbs.  No place to plant a tomato? We have tomatoes in 5 Gal. pots for you.
New ArrivalsMandevilla, Bougainvilla, Star Jasmine, Canna, Hot Lips salvia, Gerbera daisies, Dahlias, and a final shipment of summer annuals. 
Pick up a 6 pack of Red, White, & Blue petunias for Fourth of July Decorating.
STRAW!  Yes, we have a limited amount of straw bales for mulching. only $7.00 each.
Coming Soon:  New Fairy Garden items have been ordered.  Look for mini cats, dogs, skunks & raccoon, and flip flops, beach umbrellas & flamingos in Fairyland soon.
Garden Party:  Saturday, July 26, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.  Come listen to Rainy & the Rattlesnakes and watch Granny & Bruce dance.... Also wine from Wild Rose Vineyard & food from Javelin of Promise Natural Foods.  There is a $6.00 cover charge to pay for the music & $1.00 of each ticket will be donated to the Canyonville Community Center renovation.  Commonwealth Garden Shoppe will match whatever is raised and donate it to the renovation.
Advice from Granny:  Remember to fertilize your hanging baskets for continual bloom.  Use organic liquid from Down To Earth or Miracle Grow.  A little Soil Soup Tea will help, too.
Come see Granny dancing in the garden.
Commonwealth Garden Shoppe
452 N. Main St., Canyonville, OR  541-839-6067                     

May 01, 2014

The link below is from Proven Winners.  Info on using color ‪#‎design‬ for ‪#‎flower‬ beds & containers. or: Granny Sez, "Use your gut intuition. If you like it, it'll be great. I don't think GOD made any flower colors that don't look great together."

April 30, 2014

Are you thinking about Moms yet?  Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 11!!!!
Naturally, Commonwealth Garden Shoppe is stocking lots of perfect gift items.
We have everything from Fuchsia Baskets to Naked Bee Hand Lotion & Best-1 Hummingbird Feeders.
How about a basket filled with potted perennials to create a cut flower garden?  Granny can hook you up.
Moms & Grandmoms would love chocolate.....Yes, we have the form of mulch.  It is made from cocoa bean shells and deters cats, looks pretty, keeps down weeds and adds Nitrogen to the soil.  Miraculous
Come see Granny soon, pick out a basket and we’ll take care of it until Mother’s Day.  Or, Moms!, come in and make a wish list (Becky wants Gnomes) so we can offer ideas to kids.
Ready to start thinking about the summer vegetable garden? The next email will give a tip on starting squash, pumpkins, melons & cucumbers from seed.
Have questions? Send Granny (Joanne) an Email.
See you in the Garden. Smile
Granny Organic
Commonwealth Garden Shoppe
p.s. We still have seed potatoes (got blue ones this year), onion plants & bare root strawberries and they need to be planted ASAP.

April 03, 2014

This link is to OSU extension Service.  Please accept my apologies if you already subscribe.  Loads of helpful info. 

Hopefully y’all think organic when they refer to “commercial” fertilizer.  Commonwealth Garden Shoppe has a complete selection of Down To Earth organic fertilizer. Tree & Shrub, Flowers, Vegetables, etc. 

Also, remember we have a couple of different planting zones in Douglas County.  Obviously Tiller & Azalea are colder and later than the towns along the I-5 corridor.  That’s why Granny and her helpers ask (if they don’t already know you) “Where do you live?” when you are asking what to plant.


Have you signed up for the next workshops?

Composting & Worm culture – Saturday, April 12, 2 p.m.  2 hours of instruction & question time. $5.00 

Plant a Living Easter Basket centerpiece of gift -  Tuesday, April 15 (yup, tax day Smile)  1 P.M., $5.00 plus cost of materials. Must pre-register and pre-pay to guarantee space.  If we have enough interest we can schedule a second class.


See you in the Garden!

Granny Organic

Commonwealth Garden Shoppe


452 N. Main St., Canyonville

March 23, 2014

Spring is Here

And, “We’re so excited, we wet our plants.”  How many times have you seen this silly comment?  It’s true. We’re VERY excited and ordering new plants weekly.
Frost Warning!  We are still getting frosts.  There will be plants available at many stores (even Commonwealth) that may suffer from frost.  So use caution when selecting plants.  Our kiwis even got burned because their new growth was too tender.  It didn’t kill them and Geraniums aren’t happy but they will be o.k., too.  (Granny’s had wonderful Wave Petunias live through 28*’s but they will grow slowly until the days get warmer. Yes – we have them!
You will see tomatoes for sale and customers are asking for them.  Do NOT put them outside.  
On April 1st, Granny Organic will plant a tomato in a bag of Harvest Supreme and put a ‘wall o’ water’ over it.  It should do just fine with the extra protection.  Come on in and check on it and see what a ‘wall o’ water’ is. Smile  They can also be used for pepper plants, melons & summer squashes, etc.
It is safe to plant peas, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and all greens outside now.
We have an excellent selection of hardy perennials and hardy groundcovers (stepables) that will return in your garden year after year.  Lots of bee, hummingbird & butterfly friendly plants. Smile
Yup, Granny’s happy.
What else do we have? potatoes, blueberries, asparagus, strawberries, grapes, blackberries and.......  Looking for a fig tree? we have them.
Do you want to know when & how much to plant?  Come on in and get free schedule provided by Douglas County Master Gardeners.  This schedule also shows how far apart to plant things.
Workshop news: 
Saturday, March 29, 1 p.m. will be a workshop to create a live grass Easter Basket or planter.  $5.00 covers instruction.  Cost of materials will be extra depending on how simple or elaborate your creation is.  The grass needs to be planted soon to be ready for Easter which is April 20 and that’s just 4 weeks away.
Tuesday, April 15, 1 p.m. will be a workshop to create a living Easter Basket for a gift or centerpiece.  Learn tips on arranging plants in a basket and adding decorations. $5.00 for instruction and Cost of materials will be extra depending on how simple or elaborate your creation is.  Feel welcome to bring a favorite basket as long as it is at least 12” across & 4”-6” deep.  Or choose one of ours. Let your imagination go wild. 
Now open Sundays 10-4.
Commonwealth Garden Shoppe
452 N. Main St.
Canyonville, Or. 97429
(541) 839-6067

February 27, 2014

Let Us Make Your Spring Planting Simple!

click this image to enlarge
Have you ever looked at a planting schedule in a gardening book or online, and wondered exactly how to apply it to the growing conditions in Southern Douglas County? Have you ever gotten the urge to plant, and realized later, that you planted too early? Ever had frost take out a crop you just got started the week before? Granny Organic has the solution for you! She has created a planting schedule specific to our little valley, right here in Southern Oregon. She has taken the guess work out of when and what type of planting you should do, and made a printable list for you to use! Of course, if you still have questions, Granny is always ready to help you find answers! Just give her a call or stop by the Shoppe. Granny, or one of her Shoppe helpers will be happy to help you. 
Just in time for your planting schedule: PEAS are in the shoppe! 

January 20, 2014

2014 Workshop Schedule

We add extra help during workshops so, please pre register.
Space is limited! Deposits can be paid at registration. 
Jan 25 – Saturday 1:00 p.m. - $5.00 + cost of materials
Plant a Pot of SUNSHINE! 
Create a flower pot to brighten the dull Winter days! 

Feb 1 – Saturday 10:30 a.m. - $5.00
Plantings, Seeds and Root Cuttings
Learn from the PRO! Bruce shares tips and tricks for starting your own 
seed, and making cuttings take root! You will take home pots planted 
with seeds and cuttings. Cost of workshop includes materials.

Feb 8 – Saturday 10:30 a.m. - $10.00
Pruning and Care of Fruit Trees and Small Fruits
Learn to care for your fruit trees from a professions orchardist, John Yager of Westlake, OR. This is our most popular workshop, and a can't miss for cane fruit and fruit tree care! 

Feb 15 – Saturday 1:00 p.m. - $5.00 +cost of materials
Indoor Fairy/Miniature Garden
Choose plants and accessories to design and build a Miniature Garden. Granny has a large selection of miniature garden supplies, and the outdoors isn't the only place to make one! Bring a bit of the tiny outdoors IN!

Mar 1 – Saturday 10:30 a.m. - $5.00
Beneficial Insects in the Garden
Did you know there are GOOD bugs for your garden? Learn about the differences between the good and bad, along with ways to control the bad in your garden or greenhouse! Presented by Nature's Control of Medford, OR. Free door prizes will be included at this workshop!

Mar 8 – Saturday 1:00 p.m. - $5.00
Introduction to Successful Vegetable Gardening
Learn more about planting your vegetable garden, and choosing seeds along with other tips from Granny Organic. Have questions, come and ask them! Granny has answers.

Mar 29 – Saturday 1:00 p.m. - $5.00 + cost of materials
Plant a Live Grass Easter Basket
Create a unique and beautiful Easter Basket with live grass instead of artificial!

9th Plant a Salad Garden in a Container
12th Mixed Containers for Spring
19th Living Easter Basket Centerpiece
click the image above to view it larger.

Time to plant some Joy.
Yes.  Commonwealth Garden Shoppe is open today, Martin Luther King Day.
Come on in and get some primroses, snowdrops, helleborus or ???
Sign up for the Planting Project workshop to be held Sat., Jan. 25 at 1:30
Plant a container with flowers to brighten your porch, patio or a friend’s heart.  Granny is looking forward to this.
Make the mess at Commonwealth and take home your container with just the perfect amount of plants.
Cost: $5.00 plus materials.  Of course you can bring your own container or choose one of ours.
Territorial Seeds are here.
New pottery coming this week.
Bareroot roses coming this week.
Bareroot fruit trees – as soon as our truck gets its new engine. Smile
Pre-made mixed containers & houseplants for gifts are ready to go.
and, more things arriving weekly.  From Naked Bee personal care to Fairy Garden Accessories.
Granny Organic loves gardening so she’ll see you in the Greenhouse.