9th Annual
Customer Appreciation Day: Saturday, Sept. 20, 9:30 to 5:30
- FREE! Umpqua Ice Cream
- 25% savings on EVERYTHING- Plants, Statues, Fertilizers, Gifts & Fairy Garden
- Tomato Tasting
Fall is coming and we have pansies, mums & Fall blooming perennials. Come in soon for
the best selection. Fall is an excellent time to
plant perennials. They’ll establish over winter & come up FULL FORCE next
Time to plant: Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Misc. greens for Fall & Winter
Coming Soon: Spring Blooming Bulbs
Onion Sets &
Seed Garlic
Tip: plant grape hyacinths with your tulips. The grape hyacinths will come up first and you can
see where your tulip bulbs are planted.
Hope y’all are having a wonderful summer.
Our garden’s doing great (except for the powdery
mildew on Pumpkins) How’s your garden doing?