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March 18, 2013


Common questions when the weather is nice in March: 
"When should I plant my tomatoes?"  "Do you have tomato plants?"
It shocked Granny Organic to hear that the plants are available in a local "Big Box" store. 
IF you have a greenhouse - go for it. Be prepared to pot them up into larger containers.
"Why can't I just grow them in the house?"  Well, if you have grow lights you can.  Without adequate light they will become very tall, pale & spindly.

So, When? - May 1 to June 1 are the dates in our community for putting tomato plants outside.  Yes, it depends on your location.  If it is too cool they will either die from frost or just plain not grow.

Do we have plants yet? - NO.  We will have 6 packs & 4" available around April 1.  Hmmm that's April Fools day.  Tomato plants will need to stay in a greenhouse until May 1 at the earliest.So, don't be foolish.  Let Bruce babysit your plants until the weather is warmer.
Watch the blog for a list of our tomato varieties which are lovingly grown by Bruce using organic fertilizers & soil.

Happy Gardening from Granny Organic

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