It has been a pleasant vacation so now we’re recharged and
ready to GO. A lot of time was spent planning for 2015.
We’ve added a new seed company. seeds
will be in the shoppe by Jan. 16.
They have great non-GMO and organic varieties with extremely
helpful, colorful packs.
SEEDS FOR SPROUTING! along with sprouters. Granny’s very
excited about these. Sprouted seeds are easy, tasty, nutritious &
economical. Even non-gardeners can enjoy sprouting.
See what their pack look like here:
Territorial Seeds and catalogs will be in the Shoppe Jan. 14.
Fruit Trees
– the first of the bare root trees will be ready to sell by Jan. 15. Bruce is
going to a Eugene nursery to pick them up on Tuesday.
Workshops –
Feb. 7, Fairy/Mini Garden Workshop using indoor
plants. 1:00 p.m. $5.00 for Granny’s advice and encouragement, plus cost of
materials. Fairy/Mini Gardens have been so popular that Granny got excited is
expanding Fairyland. There’ll be itty bitty
houseplants, too.
Sign up
soon to guarantee a spot.
More workshops will be announced soon.
We’re still packing up 2014 so things are kinda messy but come
see Granny and make her smile on Jan 12.
Tami will be back in the shoppe on Wednesday so she’d love to
see everyone.
Suzy will be back soon to tell you all about fruit trees. 
Junior, the new cat, has moved home to our nursery & is
VERY HAPPY! The other cats, not so much. lol
See you at the seed rack.
Granny Organic 
Commonwealth Garden Shoppe
452 N. Main St., Canyonville, OR 97417
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