Yes! Time to start thinking vegetables in
the Garden
Plant seeds for Lettuce, Kale, Chard, (all leafy
greens) Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts, Onions, Peas NOW!
Tip from Granny – Get your
peas going outside quickly: Soak seeds a few hours, spread on damp newspapers
and keep warm. Plant as soon as they sprout. Have their home in the garden
prepped since it will only take a few days to sprout inside.
Indoor Sprouts – NOW! and all year. Economical and the most
nutritional vegies available. EASY! Granny has been very happy with the new
sprouters we have for sale.
only $24.99 and they’ll last a lifetime. Seeds
available: Alfalfa Sprouts, Broccoli, Bean Mixes, Fenugreek,
Radish, Sandwich Mix & Salad Mix. Yum! You can sprout raw Sunflower
seeds, too but they are best in a little soil. Come in and see our method. If
Sarah’s around ask her how her 2 year old likes the Sunflower Sprouts. 
Remember Hummingbirds want healthy food, too.
NEW PRODUCT! Hummingbird Food containing essence of wildflowers, calcium &
electrolytes. Granny got excited when she saw this. Yes, it has sugar, too.
Available in Ready To Use and Concentrate. Gift Size or Bulk Bags.
Bare Root Roses – Available
until Saturday, Feb. 28. Yes, Granny thought about
her customers – most of them are fragrant. We have Hybrid Teas, Floribunda, Grandiflora, Climbers, Miniatures &
Rugosa. Granny’s favorites for fragrance are Mr.
Lincoln and Scentimental.
Time to get your Bare Root Fruit Trees. Spring
is coming early. $19.99 for well branched Apples, Cherries, Peaches, Pears,
See you in the Garden.
Commonwealth Garden Shoppe
452 N. Main St., Canyonville, OR
Open Mon. – Sat. 9:30 to 5:30
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